If, like me back in 2011/2012-ish, you've heard people talk about NaNo and you've always said you want to give it a go, there's no better time than this year❗ Most of us are stuck at home for Covid or personal reasons and there's about 5 weeks before it starts to get your NaNo novel planned out and ready for 1st November.
If you're a "pantser" then you can gear yourself up and find ways to reward yourself for hitting mini targets throughout it (my own personal target is for 5k words written each day and a bottle of J2O when I achieve it, but it might be different for you) as well as a huge reward when you type that 50,000th word (2 J2O's and a sharing block of chocolate all to myself is my own personal reward of choice).
If you're a "planner" but have got precisely no ideas then the free trial of my ideas software might be exactly what you're looking for. If you become a member now then you get exclusive updates to the software that non-members don't get as well as access to me and other member-exclusives at a cheaper price and sooner notifications of open submission windows etc too.
Anyway, back to NaNo 😃
If you're a "plantser" like me, then NaNo is an opportunity to let your muse run wild for 30 days - NaNo and JanNo are my two guaranteed writing months of the year and my hubby knows that I'm not to be disturbed unless it's for something vital.
If you decide that 2020 is your writing year, sign up as soon as you can (it's free) so that you've got time to explore and get to know the NaNo site before it starts. I'm on there with this year's novel which is called "Oh No!" if you wanna get support and encouragement throughout NaNo and beyond.
Go on... do this for you, you deserve it 👍❗👌