...I've done some housework on the appropriate page in the members area and got ready for when I've finished JanNo. Let me be the first to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope 2021 gives you everything you need.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
No news today, soooo...
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
News for 30th December 2020
There's loads of news today!
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30th December 2020
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
News about children's literature for 29th December 2020
We've got news again today... yaaay! Let's get started with the links and comments for today:
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Illustrator Rajiv Eipe on the art of telling stories without words
KPL Book List: Asia-Pacific Voices In Children's Literature
Farts fuel the laughs in Port Macquarie author Michael Rohr's rib-tickling children's book -
Local author publishes first children’s book
23-year-old Greenwich children's book author pens two books
Mouse's adventures down under are a hit for Knutsford first-time author
Children’s book “Jack and Agyu” puts Philippinx culture front and center, focusing on language and representation
Sunday, 27 December 2020
News for 27th December 2020
There wasn't any news that I found interesting anywhere online yesterday so we all had a second day off to recover from the festivities. Definitely back to normal for a few more days, then it's JanNoWriMo but I'll be back as soon as that's over with for the year, then I'll be able to put news up most days for the rest of the year until NaNoWriMo again... assuming there's interesting stuff every day of course! lol
Onto today's news now though:
Terry Waite pens children's book Tommy Twitchnose -
Alliston grandmother — with big imagination — pens children's book
Balderton Methodist Church fills Christmas goodie bags supporting Newark-based Emmaus Trust
FRANK'S FIGHT Frank Bruno hopes to help youngsters defeat mental health issues by writing series of children’s books -
Liam immersed himself in writing ‘Submerged’ -
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Typical, innit
After we all had the day off yesterday, there's nothing new or interesting in the world of children's books at all today, so we all get the day off again... hopefully there will be something tomorrow though❗
Friday, 25 December 2020
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it)!!
Got a small gift for my members on the first page of the members section.
I hope you all enjoy a safe, happy and healthy day today!
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Book Review: "Scooper and Dumper" by Lindsay Ward
⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5
It's a good book, just doesn't meet the industry standard for picture books, so I'm guessing it was self-published.
The illustrations are adorable and the reason I'm not knocking off a second star.
3 year olds also have a much smaller understanding of the English language than 7 year olds... I'm thinking that it was given such a huge age range is that the illustrations are suitable for the younger aged listener and some of the words stretch the 7 year olds. I'm qualified to work with children as well as writing for them, so I know what I'm on about ;-)
Overall a good book, just could have done with the input of crit group and editor of children's picture books before being published is all.
News on Christmas Eve 2020
There won't be any news tomorrow to give everyone a day off, but hopefully back again on Boxing Day (26th December) for a few days, then there won't be any news at the start of January because of JanNo but as soon as that's finished, it'll be back to the daily news again! Amanda hopes you all have the best Christmas possible and she'll see you all again at the weekend. Look after each other and stay safe.
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HarperCollins Children's Books takes two from Skinner
Banburyshire couple's children's Christmas book reaches top spot on the Amazon chart
Everything With Words acquires new series from Lambert
Inside the mind, life, and friendships that created ‘Harriet the Spy’ | Book review
Building firms donate books to schools
This children’s library in Hyderabad almost closed down during the pandemic. What revived it? -
How a year of publishing protests rocked the industry
Amanda hopes you have a good, safe and healthy Christmas and she'll start sending more news again at the weekend.
As of right now...
...there's a new item in my members shop.
It's 18 months later than I thought, but it's there now and available for my members as soon as they've paid the £2 to access it and I've emailed them with the details to log in with!
Merry Christmas and thank you for your patience and support with it!
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
...the new members only webpage is sorted now and just needs to be uploaded and tested then I can put it in the shop for my members to buy access to. Now would be a good time to become a member so that you can access this page and numerous other member exclusives.
This new page will help you with planning your writing and getting to know your characters before you start writing as well as when you're actually in the throes of your manuscript writing.
Today's news - 23rd December 2020
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Cripes! Enid Blyton has gone digital - is there no escape from the Famous Five? -
This classic has been named the nation's most-loved children's book
INTERVIEW: Award-Winning Children’s Author, Stephanie Sorkin, Talks About Her 4th Book "Am I A Unicorn?" And The Lesson She Hopes To Share With Children
After 60 years, children’s book by historic Black author Ruth Cobb Brice is here
Magic Trick: Art, Reality, and Books To Treasure
A Roundup of 2020's Best Book Lists for Children and Teens
Aberdeenshire children to receive colourful books
16 Books About Rosa Parks to Add to Your Child's Bookshelf
Poppy's posthumous children's book raises £3,000 for charities
Richard Osman becomes first debut author to land Christmas No 1 -
Battersea Power Station donates £30,000 worth of books, toy and vouchers to local schools
Picture Books Help Introduce Truth and Empathy to Children
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Today's news - 22nd December 2020
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Windsor Heights book lover opens temporary bookstore in garage -
Q & A with Angela Dominguez
Vanessa Flores Sells Debut Graphic Novel Moriviví For Six Figures
Children's Books Can Help Kids Understand New COVID-19 Realities
Middletown author, illustrator create children's stories around beloved family dog
Grown-up child writes from own experience
Monday, 21 December 2020
Today's international news about children's literature
21st December 2020
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Nantwich mum unveils children’s book inspired by mental health battle -
Opinion: Writing my first children's book, about one of Santa's elves
Sue's Book Exchange turns the page into the new year
He wants to propagate children’s literature in Punjabi to inculcate reading habit
Local author publishes children’s book
Academy receives box of inclusive books as part of school library campaign
Somerset nursery assistant becomes published author
Gwen Graham presenting father’s new children’s book, “Rhoda the Alligator” at Hearth and Soul