Saturday 22 May 2021

Get ready for...

...the news to restart, hopefully before the end of next week.


I'm hoping to put a few bits up tomorrow, possibly Monday and Tuesday afternoons, Wednesday (assuming there's any news in the world of children's literature) will hopefully be a morning update, Thursday will either be a lunchtime or afternoon update, then things back to normal again on Friday.

I'm finally starting to feel semi-human again now, but next week is gonna be busy 'cos I've got two medical appointments (on Monday morning over the phone and Thursday in person), I've gotta keep my ear out for the door on Tuesday, Wednesday is free other than clambering into the bath ready for Thursday, when I might be wiped out 'cos it'll be the first time I've left the house (other than for both my Covid jabs) since February then I'll hopefully have recovered enough to continue with everything again by Friday morning... just gotta remember that I've typed that now though 😉

Keep checking back every day to see if there's any news, but don't fret if there isn't... just gotta get back into the routine of doing the news for you all again, so please bear with me - I appreciate your patience and understanding!

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