Saturday 1 September 2018

August's flash fiction

I've literally just come up with the idea to do a flash fiction thingy every now and then.

You've got the next two weeks to come up with a children's story of no more than 500 words that has a definite start, middle and end and editing is NOT allowed - just write it and send it to me exactly as it comes to you.

They won't be judged or critted or anything like that, they are just an opportunity for you to come up with something without any kind of worrying about what you normally worry about.

It's just your very first micro-blocking session.

No editing is allowed.

I want to see all those mistakes.

Just get it out of your head and onto screen then send it to me and I'll display it on the site.

Let me know how you want to be credited - if you want to remain anonymous then let me know and I'll just use your first initial but if you want proper credit for it, that's totally OK too - just let me know how you want to be credited and your email address or URL or whatever.

Be proud of it.

It prolly won't be the best you've ever written, but you'll have something on display that you can go back to at the end of the month and edit into a better story.

Just get it out of your head and onto the screen.  What happens to it isn't important right now - just get it written and sent to me!

Copyright remains with the author of course - the idea is just to get something out of your head that you can edit as necessary when the time is right!

You can do this!

Can't wait to read it!

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