Sunday 13 November 2022

Book Review: "My Messed-Up Life" by Susin Nielsen

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

If you've read my recent book reviews, you'll already know that I start 'em all off by saying that they all start off with the full shebang of stars and that I'm always hopeful that they will all still be stuck firmly in place by the time I finish reading.

I've also just (as in within the last hour) finished reading my first ever book by this author and discovered that this one came out before the one I've just read, so I'm hoping they are both stand-alone books otherwise it might get very confusing, very quickly lol

Let's get reading and reviewing.

Ooh!  Looks like I'll be buying and reading *all* of this authors books then, 'cos I've already read one and the other 4 are on my TBR pile... if this book is as good as the first one I read, will this author be a new favourite author for me?  I hope so!

Oh dear, the first star should be coming off on the first page of the first chapter but it said before the novel started that the things were being used fictitiously, so the star is staying on this time, thankfully.  Still a 5 star book and will hopefully all still be solidly in place when I finish reading it.

The first two chapters have been incredible and soo worthy of those 5 stars.  They *are* standalone books, which is a relief.  If it keeps on like this, it'll be a well-deserved 5 stars when I close the back cover... will I be blubbing at the end like I was with the previous book I read by this author?

Wowsers!  I'm already up to chapter 5 and I've yet to find a single thing to complain about at all, which is very unlike me!

Blimey Charlie!  I'm up to chapter 24 (88%) now and there still hasn't been any reason to knock a star off!  I'm gonna go and get myself a drink (cold this time lol) then finish off reading this incredible book.  WTG the author - she's rapidly becoming one of my favourites!

This book just gets better and better... I'm at chapter 27 now and I haven't got a clue what I've done with my life since I started reading this gorgeous book yesterday afternoon.  This is a definite must-read book for everyone - adults and children alike!

Just finished reading and it's been an incredible book from start to finish.  There were brand names and one famous person used throughout, which would usually mean I took off a star, but right at the start of the book the author wrote that they were all used fictitiously, so the star stays firmly in place.

If you're an adult looking for a comforting, easy read or a 10+ year old child wanting to find your next escape, then you need to grab this book and set aside a day to devour it in.

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